Agee Clymer Mitchell & Laret, Cleveland

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Agee Clymer Mitchell & Laret is a law firm founded on the principles of protecting the workers in Ohio. With Ohio roots that run as deep as the industrial and manufacturing history of Cleveland, we are proud to be part of your community, offering legal representation to the injured and disabled workers of Cleveland and Northeastern Ohio.

Our Cleveland office will allow the attorneys of Agee Clymer Mitchell & Laret to efficiently and effectively champion the rights of Northeast Ohioans. Our 11 experienced attorneys and dedicated staff of 30 specialize in the areas of workers compensation, workplace injury, and Social Security Disability.

Details and Specs

Hours of Operation:
Mon8:30 AM5:00 PM
Tue8:30 AM5:00 PM
Wed8:30 AM5:00 PM
Thr8:30 AM5:00 PM
Fri8:30 AM5:00 PM
Notes: None Listed


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