Berg Plummer Johnson & Raval, LLP

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Our firm handles a wider variety of cases and clients than virtually any other firm of its size in Texas, from bad faith insurance litigation, business and employment disputes, union and labor matters, government investigations, and a lot more -- at the trial and appellate levels.

Our lawyers have the kind of experience and track record you'd expect to find at firms twice our size. On non-contingent matters, we take pride in the creative and cost-effective fee arrangements we offer.

Methods of Payment Accepted - Invoice

Practice Areas/Services - business law, corporate law, ERISA, union law

Details and Specs

Hours of Operation:
Mon8:30 AM5:30 PM
Tue8:30 AM5:00 PM
Wed8:30 AM5:30 PM
Thr8:30 AM5:30 PM
Fri8:30 AM5:30 PM
Notes: None Listed


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