Broden, Mickelsen, LLP

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Need Best Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyers for your criminal defense? Broden Mickelsen are experienced criminal attorneys in all matters of State, Federal and Appeals.

Like every profession, there are numerous attorneys who are dedicated to charging fair fees and zealously representing their clients. On the other hand, there are numerous attorneys who are either not qualified in certain matters, but will become involved if ‘the price is right,' or who are not dedicated to putting the interests of the client first. If you are charged with a criminal offense, there will be several considerations when selecting a criminal defense attorney who is truly committed to giving you the best representation possible.

Do you want an attorney who writes a will on Monday, represents a plaintiff in a car accident case on Tuesday, appears at an immigration hearing on Wednesday, represents a client for a speeding ticket on Thursday, to represent you, when your liberty is at stake, on Friday?

Select an attorney or law firm that practices exclusively criminal law. Whether or not you choose to retain Broden and Mickelsen, we strongly recommend hiring an attorney whose practice is almost entirely dedicated to criminal defense. Criminal defense is a highly specialized field of law and it is very difficult for an attorney who practices in several areas of the law to have the knowledge necessary to provide the right type of representation to clients. A criminal offense is a serious matter; defendants deserve an expert with full knowledge of the law, other cases, and guidelines.

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