C3 SoftWorks

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As an experienced instructor, John has always looked for ways to engage his audience that will help them absorb and understand the information. Through this John helped to develop easy to use software for instructors so they can use games to help them deliver inormation. But creating easy to use trainig game software is only part of what he does, he also teaches and does workshops/webinars on how to use games as a serious teaching tools, showing instructors techniques on how to use games to traing on just about any topic.

With over 25 years of involvement in education and training, we bring a deep understanding of the instructional challenges you face. Whether you're teaching in the classroom, or over the web, our customizable training game software will help you present your content in the most engaging way.

Details and Specs

Hours of Operation: Not Listed
Notes: None Listed


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Jun 24, 2009 12:15 PM EDT
Author: pslc3softworks

5 Things to Avoid when Using Games to Teach?

In the past few years I have learned and incredible amount of insight to using “Jeopardy” style games both as an education tool and as a promotional tool for a event or trade show. But it is the educational side I want to talk about. I have found that there are many opinions about the use of games as a serious...


Jun 24, 2009 12:00 PM EDT
Author: pslc3softworks

Using Games to Assess Trainees: Audience Response Systems

In today’s workplace, how often do we really assess what our employees know? Can you imagine during a training session, giving a “pop” quiz? It sounds plausible and even reasonable, but the reality is, in many workplaces this rarely happens. So how can you assess your employee’s knowledge in a frie...


Jun 24, 2009 11:52 AM EDT
Author: pslc3softworks

Some Basic Tips on Using Training Games in the Classroom.

Studies have shown that games are an entertaining and highly effective method to review topics. Would the use of games as a pure instructional medium to teach learning objectives also be effective? The correct answer is “Yes, Absolutely!” Instructors know their classroom lectures should be engaging, interactiv...


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