CGA Property Management, Inc.

Hello and thank you for visiting our website! As the Owner of CGA Property Management, it is my goal to provide you with superior service seven days a week, 24 hours per day. My local expertise and over 20 years of experience will benefit you in every aspect of owning your Real Estate Investment. From expert tenant screening to 24-hour maintenance and repair, you will find that CGA is the best Property Management Company in the business!!!
Renting out your home?
One of the most important aspects in being a successful landlord is to find and place the right tenant. When we recommend a tenant for your home, you can be sure they have passed our rigorous but fair screening process. For details of our screening criteria, please give us a call or e-mail.
We consider Sacramento an excellent place to own investment Real Estate and would love to tell you about the many neighborhoods we recommend. We pride ourselves on providing unparalleled service and look forward to developing a long-term relationship with you. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to discuss how we can best assist you with your real estate management needs.