Currier & Martin,PLLC

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Currier & Martin is a full service civil litigation law firm serving Harris County and its surrounding areas. We practice in the areas of Divorce and Family Law, Debt Collection, Wills and Probate, Personal Injury and Auto Accidents, Corporations and Business Law.

At Currier & Martin, we pride ourselves on our slogan, "Let Us Change Your Mind About Attorneys", because we offer competent, efficient legal expertise at affordable prices. We excel at finding common ground to resolve legal disputes, but when necessary, have the skill and determination to fight for your rights in Divorce Court, Probate Court and other Civil Courts.

We always try to insure that our clients leave our office with sound understanding of their legal situation, the options available to them, and the peace of mind knowing that we are on their side to protect their rights.

Details and Specs

Hours of Operation: Not Listed
Notes: None Listed


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