Jack Rogers Realtor, Inc.

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Jack Rogers Realtor, Inc. was formed in 1978 after Mr. Rogers left his position as manager of Emge Realty's Commercial Department to form his own company. Since that time, the company has established itself as a leading brokerage, development, and property management firm in the tri-state area.

The company currently leases and/or manges over 1,500,000 square feet of commercial, industrial, and office space in the tri-state. We have a database of active clients that are unsurpassed in in our area.

Jack Rogers Realtor, Inc. has earned the trust and respect of the brokerage community by conducting business in an ethical and moral fashion. We have had no fee-based disputes with cooperating brokers, have never been sued for malpractice or negligence, and are the recipients of numberous referrals. We have a solid reputation for earning our fees. Jack Rogers Realtor, Inc. maintains continued relationships with a number of national brokerage firms.

The operating offices for Jack Rogers Realtor, Inc. have always been located in Evansville's downtown district. Our current address is 400 East Sycamore Street, Evansville, Indiana. Eight people currently work in our office. Because we do no residential brokerage or management, all eight are involved in commerical real estate.

Jack's expertise spans over all segments of the commercial brokerage business. He has provided site locations services for national chains. Purchased, sold, constructed, and managed several area office buildings. He has been involved with the renovation and refitting of over one million square feet of industrial space. Jack is very involved in area development.

Years of attending national conventons, seminars, and trade shows has helped Jack cultivate working relationships with brokerage houses across the country. Of equal significance is Jack's relationship with leaders in the business, financial, industrial, and government sectors close to home. He has never been refused a request for rezoning. On a state level, Jack received the only 'dinosaur designation' issued in Indiana. The incentives associated with this designation enabled the refitting of a large industrial property to be financially feasible.

Details and Specs

Hours of Operation: Not Listed
Notes: None Listed


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