Lawrence & Associates.

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We have a team of dedicated lawyers available to represent workers who have suffered from wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and to represent employees for grievances, contracts, benefits, health & safety, medical leave, wage payment, overtime, and whistleblower issues. Our lawyers are devoted exclusively to employment law and are all experienced in complex employment law issues. Because our attorneys are devoted exclusively to employment law, we are able to stay abreast of breaking legal developments that affect your rights in the workplace. Lawrence & Associates prides itself on knowledge of the law, attention to detail, and thorough analysis and review of every issue in every case.

We bring to each case a long history of legal competence, ethics, professionalism and standards, blended with a 21st century approach to technology. Our effective use of technology allows us to compete vigorously with even the largest of defense firms.

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Hours of Operation: Not Listed
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