Lotze Mosley LLP

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Lotze Mosley LLP Washington DC criminal attorney understand the emotional stress of facing time in prison, steep fines, the loss of a drivers license, life with a criminal record, and other consequences of a criminal conviction. If you are facing these life-changing penalties, you need competent, aggressive legal representation at the earliest time possible. Criminal Defense Lawyers Washington D.C. at Lotze Mosley LLP Law Firm - Our Criminal Attorneys have helped many clients with their defense case. Our Washington DC criminal attorney understands the emotional stress of facing time in prison, steep fines, the loss of a drivers license, life with a criminal record, and other consequences of a criminal conviction. If you are facing these life-changing penalties, you need competent, aggressive legal representation at the earliest time possible.

Our Washington, D.C. criminal lawyers have helped people who were suspected or accused of committing:

Drug Crimes


Gun Crimes

Sex Crimes

Violent Crimes

Traffic Offenses, such as driving under the influence, or texting and cellphone violations



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