Managed Risk Medical Insurance

The Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board was created in 1990 with the charge of advising the Governor and the Legislature on strategies for reducing the number of uninsured persons in the state. The Board is dedicated to improving the health of California by increasing access to affordable, comprehensive and quality health care coverage.
Board Members
Volunteers appointed by the Governor and the Legislature comprise the membership of the independent Board. Members serve four-year terms of office. The Board meets in public session, usually on the third Wednesday of each month.
Board Staff
The Board is supported in program operation by a staff of approximately 100 employees who provide oversight on all aspects of program operation and have specific expertise in the area of health insurance products.
Programs Operated by the Board
The Board oversees operation of four programs that serve lower income and high health risk individuals. They are the largest of MRMIB's programs, Healthy Families serves children of low-income families through age 18, providing medical, dental and vision benefits in all 58 of the state's counties.
AIM serves the specialized audience of middle-income pregnant women and their new-born infants. Eligibility begins no later than the 30th week of pregnancy and ends at delivery for the mother and 60 days post-partum for the child.
PCIP is a federally funded program operated by the state of California that provides medical coverage to persons with pre-existing health conditions who cannot obtain health insurance or affordable coverage options in the individual commercial market.
MRMIP is a state-funded program that provides medical coverage to persons with pre-existing health conditions who cannot obtain health insurance or affordable coverage options in the individual commercial market.
- The Healthy Families Program
- Access for Infants and Mothers
- Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan
- Major Risk Medical Insurance Program