Reno Rental Finders

Reno Rental Finders was founded to help people find a place to call home. We are the source for rentals in the Reno/Sparks and surrounding areas of the Truckee Meadows. Our goal is to match the right renter with the right property in a convenient and simple way.
All you need to do is a search of our current rentals and identify the properties that you are interested in viewing. We can even set up appointments with you so that you can look at multiple properties all in a row. After locating a property that you are interested in, we have you prepare a rental application so that the Landlord can approve you**. Your rental application will be good for any of the properties that we have listed so you do not need to worry about filling out and paying for multiple applications all over town.
If you have any questions, or would like to find out how to list your rental property with us, please contact us.
The Reno Rental Finders Tenant Locating Package is especially designed for owners who want to save time and money while locating renters for their properties. Reno Rental Finders does the work of locating a tenant for you, so that those tenants who are ready to look now can rent your property now. How many times have you missed a call or been too busy to meet at the rental? Our staff meets by appointment 7 days a week at the property to all who inquire, so potential tenants can view your rental property. We never just hand out keys to your property. Another feature that seems to be a great help to Landlords is the fact that we are able to meet and greet at your rental when it is convenient for potential tenants. This means not only Monday through Friday, but also Saturday and Sundays. Timely and effective customer service is mutually beneficial to both the landlord and the tenant.
We are looking forward to helping you locate your next tenant with our Tenant Locating Package.
Thank you,
Kim Grist
Owner and Broker/Salesperson & Property Manager
**application fee is $25 per single person and $35 for married couples, all potential residents over 18 must fill out an application
Note: Reno Rental Finders is not a property management company