Sanford Heisler Sharp, LLP Washington

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Our law firm provides full-range legal services for a variety of cases, including those involving employment discrimination, wage and hour disputes, housing discrimination, public litigation, criminal and sexual violence, and more. Whatever your legal problem may be, our expert lawyers can help you resolve it with confidence. Talk to our expert attorneys today to learn how we can help.Whether you're facing employment discrimination or a wage and hour dispute, our expert lawyers will protect your rights. With many years of combined professional experience, our New York law firm is your best bet at successful litigation. Call now today to learn more!

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Hours of Operation:
Mon9:30 AM6:30 PM
Tue9:30 AM6:30 PM
Wed9:30 AM6:30 PM
Thr9:30 AM6:30 PM
Fri9:30 AM6:30 PM
Notes: None Listed


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