The McNeely, Hare & War LLP

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The McNeely, Hare & War LLP law practice in Washington, DC USA covers all areas of intellectual property law-patent (including international patents and pct patents), trademark, copyright, and trade secrets. Attorneys have extensive knowledge in the areas of intellectual property, licensing, litigation and related disciplines. In particular, McNeely, Hare & War LLP focuses on patent prosecution for electrical and mechanical equipment, computer hardware and software, Internet applications, and the emerging area of business method patents.

A pct patent attorney can guide you through the two main phases of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) procedure, the "PCT international phase" and "PCT national phase." Our intellectual property attorneys counsel clients in developing and implementing patent strategies and trade secret protection programs. We consult with you on your patent opportunities, conduct patent searches, prepare and file patent applications, prepare opinions and see your project through the myriad of potential prosecution hurdles to seek registration from the US Patent & Trademark Office.

We defend patents, trademarks, and copyrights, and we help clients to develop the most effective and cost-efficient methods of protecting their intellectual property. We keep our clients up to date on the latest news and information concerning intellectual property law.

McNeely, Hare & War LLP represents all types of entrepreneurs and businesses. The firm provides legal advice to a wide range of start-up and technology companies involved in hardware, software, semiconductor, Internet, new media, telecommunications, biotechnology, medical devices and related fields.

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Hours of Operation: Not Listed
Notes: None Listed


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