Trust Administration Lawyer in Worcester Helping Trustees Fulfill their Obligations

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A common estate planning tool is a trust. There are many different kinds of trusts, but, put simply, a trust holds assets to be distributed to beneficiaries according to the specific terms of the trust. The grantor-the person who sets up the trust-names a trustee whose responsibility it is to administer the trust. There are several duties that the trustee is obligated to perform, and it can be complicated for a layperson both to do these duties and to be sure that they are doing them correctly as required by law. Many trustees lack the experience or the legal and financial knowledge to complete their tasks confidently. It is common for a trustee to seek the assistance of a trust administration attorney, who can make sure that all responsibilities are met, and that all is done in accordance with the laws governing trusts and financial transactions.

If you have questions or concerns about serving as a trustee or need help in administering a trust, call our experienced Worcester legacy planning lawyer today for a consultation.

Why Choose The Law Office of Polly Tatum to help with trust Administration?

Estate Attorneys at the Law Office of Polly Tatum have decades of experience helping clients with all aspects of estate planning and elder law, including trust administration. Their comprehensive knowledge of the requirements and responsibilities of trust administration can help make the trust administration process go more smoothly, even for inexperienced trustees. The last thing you want to do is to make an error that could result in the beneficiaries suffering losses or you being held liable and facing consequences. With the help of skilled trust administration attorneys, you will know that every step is being completed as required, protecting the assets of the trust, the beneficiaries, and you.

Law Office of Polly Tatum
19 Cedar St
Worcester, MA 01609
(774) 366-3688

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