Tulsa DUI Lawyer Bruce Edge

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Tulsa's ONLY Attorney who is Board Certified in DUI Defense Law

Oklahoma DUI/DWI/APC Lawyer Bruce Edge. Board Certified in DUI Defense by the National College of DUI Defense according to the American Bar Association Guidelines. The Oklahoma Bar Association does not certify specialized fields of practice.


If you refused to take the breath/blood test or your BAC was a .15 or higher, you may be required to install an ignition interlock device on your car for TWO years. If you have a prior license revocation, it could be up to 8 years.

Hidden Costs of a Oklahoma DUI - What most lawyers don't know

Just because the officer took your drivers license, your world has been turned upside down. Below are few of many things you can no longer do even though you HAVE NOT been convicted of any crime or EVEN APPEARED in court:

  • Cash a check
  • Open a bank account
  • Buy car insurance
  • Rent a car
  • Rent a hotel room
  • Enter a federal building
  • Board an airplane
  • Obtain certain jobs

The 7 Deadly Sins for an Oklahoma DUI

And how to avoid them.

  1. THINKING IT IS A "SIMPLE" DUI . There is no such thing as a "simple" DUI. A conviction on this charge will follow you for the rest of your life. The additional insurance charges alone could cost you thousands of dollars. You may lose numerous job opportunities, be denied housing, lose a pilot's license and be prevented from traveling to foreign countries. There are many hidden costs to you from a conviction.
  2. THINKING ALL ATTORNEYS ARE THE SAME - THEY ARE NOT . DUI is a complex field. It involves physical, mental, emotional, scientific, technical, and factual issues that are unique to each case. Defenses must be raised at the right time or you will lose them and evidence must be gathered quickly. Timing can be very important to the success of your case.

    The American Bar Association recognizes DUI as a specialized field of training and study. There are currently 33 Board Certified DUI Lawyers in the United States. You should seek out the best qualified attorney who specializes in this area of practice.

  3. NOT REQUESTING AN ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING TO PROTECT YOUR DRIVERS LICENSE . I only have 15 DAYS to request a hearing for you --- The ONLY way to protect your driver's license. Contact me immediately to help you protect your license. If an attorney doesn't tell you about this hearing or tells you, you can't win this hearing-- that attorney is either not competent to represent you or is taking short cuts at your expense.
  4. SELECTING AN ATTORNEY BASED MAINLY ON A LOW FEE . The lowest fee may mean the least qualified and someone who will spend the least amount of time on your case. They may take the easy way out and settle for the first offer the Government makes so they can move to another low fee case. You get sold out when the legal issues of your case are ignored in an effort to make a quick fee. The low fee most likely will cost you more in hidden costs before you are finished. Be careful of bargains with brain surgeons, parachutes and DUI Defense Attorneys.
  5. QUICKLY ACCEPTING A SETTLEMENT FROM THE PROSECUTOR . The first offer is not a deal. An attorney who takes the first offer is trying to get rid of your case with the least amount of work. You never get to raise legal issues or make the State prove its case. This is not legal defense-this is an escort service.
  6. DRIVING AFTER YOUR LICENSE HAS BEEN TAKEN AWAY . This is an arrestable offense and can make it more difficult to represent your DUI as well as cause an increased suspension period.
  7. FAILING TO PROTECT YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS . An experienced DUI Attorney will recognize the issues unique to your case and will have the experience to protect you. This includes at a minimum the legality of the reason you were stopped, your removal from the car, the legality of any test given to you, the propriety of any field test given to you, the validity of your arrest itself, the legality of any breath test request and the procedures of the administration of any breath/blood test.
  8. DUMP TRUCK LAWYERS . "Dump truck" is what attorney's call other lawyers who only want to dump their clients by pleading them guilty instead of offering a vigorous defense. Unfortunately, there are a number of such lawyers and they can be spotted in several ways.

We take a personal interest in You and Your case.

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Hours of Operation: Not Listed
Notes: None Listed


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