Amelia Grant
How to Get Rid of Varicose Veins on LegsVaricose veins can be inherited and run in families. They can be exacerbated during or after pregnancy, as well as if you are overweight. While they can be painful and ugly, they rarely cause major health issues. Blood is carried to the heart through veins. All veins contain valves that allow blood to flow in only one way. The valves in the legs must work harder to pump the blood that extra distance and issues arise when these valves weaken and fail to close properly. Blood rushes backward and collects in veins. This causes the valves to weaken under pressure and become swollen and bulging, resulting in varicose veins. What happens during varicose vein removal? Varicose vein surgery is typically conducted under general anesthesia, which means you will be sleeping throughout the procedure. Other types of anesthesia exist, and you should inquire about them during your pre-admission examination; otherwise, you can discuss them with the anesthesiologist when you meet on the day of surgery. Operating on one leg normally takes around an hour. Before your procedure, the consultant may label the varicose veins with a waterproof pen to identify the problematic veins. The troublesome vein is removed during surgery via an incision in the groin or the back of the knee. To completely remove the vein, numerous minor cuts along the length of the leg, where the consultant marked your legs, may be required. The cuts are then repaired (sutured) and covered with a dressing. Close the smaller cuts with adhesive paper strips or stitches. The bandage is then stretched around your leg, applying pressure to prevent bleeding and bruising. It is customary to return home the same day after the operation. You may be requested to stay overnight if your consultant believes it is essential. It's always a good idea to come prepared. Other available treatments Sclerotherapy Endovenous laser treatment Radiofrequency ablation If you are looking for professional vein treatment in Brooklyn, you may go to Astra Vein and Endovascular Medical Care. Our team will provide you with the best course of action for you, based on your physical exam and medical history. |